Thursday, October 31, 2019

International Day of Prayer

November 3, 2019:
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Religious liberty is the freedom to hold beliefs of one's choice regarding matters of faith, and to live according to those beliefs.
While the concept of religious freedom was foundational to the formation of the United States of America, religious freedom is not practiced in many parts of the world. While we do not believe it is merely an American right, but an inherent human right, that view is not enjoyed universally.
The human race currently faces unprecedented religious persecution from governmental and societal forces worldwide. In 2016, one or more religious groups were harassed in 187 countries around the world.
Over the last decade, Christians have been harassed in more countries, including the United States, than any other religious group. Believers in Christ do indeed face a worldwide crisis of religious liberty.
We must increase awareness of the expanding threat to religious freedom around the world and to the persecution that many Christians are facing. As we grow awareness of this problem we must also increase engagement that will bring tangible hope and help to the persecuted.
Around the world, Christians are harassed, discriminated against, and even killed simply because of their beliefs. As fellow Christians, it is our responsibility to care about those who face danger just for living out their faith and lift them up in prayer.
That's why we're urging Christians to observe the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, which will take place on Sunday, November 3, 2019.

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