Tuesday, July 20, 2021



"The same power that raised JESUS from the dead lives in you." Romans 8:11
While living overseas, we met a man we were very privileged to know. His name was Michael and he was from an African nation where Christians were persecuted. Michael had been beaten mercilessly while incarcerated in his homeland. His body bore scars from the lashes he had received.
Before we knew his story, many of us presumed that the deep scars on his face and arms were from tribal rituals in which he had engaged before finding Christ. We were very wrong.
Michael told of the horrific treatment by the sadistic guards upon those who were incarcerated, but he shared that after one horrific beating, he was taken under the care of a group the guards never touched.
As he was nursed back to health, he discovered that this group was under the power and protection of the LORD HIMSELF. Michael learned that if one of this group was abused by a guard, something terrible would happen to the guard or to his family.
These people were the "Pents," the Pentecostals. The guards never touched them. The guards never touched Michael again after he was embraced by the group.
Michael's story has enabled many to believe that the LORD'S protection will cover them if they are ever in a difficult situation.
Whether deliverance comes in the midst of a trial or in eternity, the promise of GOD'S protection will be fulfilled.
If you are ever entangled in circumstances that are beyond your control; if you are ever enduring persecution, lift your eyes to JESIS. HE will never fail you nor forsake you.
Remember Michael.
Remember the power of GOD that has been given to you.

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