Friday, July 30, 2021

Return to Our Core Values

Return to Our Core Values by Dr. Ben Carson

When speaking to people across the country, one of the questions I am asked most these days is "why did you start American Cornerstone Institute?" It's a question I love answering. America is the greatest country on earth, and it has been since its founding. It was founded on principles that have guided us through ups and downs and it has created a country that has been resilient to anything that was thrown at it.
However, that has changed. Americans are moving away from the principles that made this country great in the first place. We need to get America back on track, and the best way to do that is to make everyone realize the importance of the cornerstone principles that made us into the country we are today.
This is a different kind of think tank. We will be taking our ideas to as many places as possible. To the halls of congress, to grassroots leaders, to communities, and to schools across the country. This will be a huge endeavor, and it will take a lot of work, but I'm confident in the American people, and I'm confident we will make a difference.
Faith. Community. Life. Liberty. These are the cornerstones this country was founded on. These are the same cornerstones of the American Cornerstone Institute. As a country, we've moved away from those core values and we've seen the devastating effects of that as a culture. It's time to get back to that. We are at a critical moment in our country.
It's going to require all of our intellect and all of our resources to save our nation. A donation to this cause is an investment in our future.
I am also honored that my friend President Donald Trump believes in the American Cornerstone Institute just as much as I do. I look forward to working with him to make sure America never loses sight of the core values that made it the greatest country in history.

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