Wednesday, September 27, 2023

In Tennessee

In Tennessee 'Repent Tents' and 10-Foot Cross to Be Placed at TN Capitol for Non-Stop Prayer: 'Desperation for God' Faith leaders in Tennessee are sending out a "clarion call" to other believers to join them to praise, worship, and intercede for America in hopes of not only seeing a change in the nation but to "advance God's Kingdom" to save the lost. "People from all across our nation are coming to participate with us for this humble outcry of repentance for healing in our land. We are praying that this will not only be a pivotal moment in Tennessee but that many will be inspired to gather in their own cities across America to repent," Barbi Franklin told CBN News. Barbi and her husband, Terry, are founders of Worship City and are hosting "Worship City Repent Tents" on September 28-30 at the Tennessee state capitol's Legislative Plaza for non-stop worship, prayer, and repentance. "This year, our leaders are building and erecting a 10-foot cross right in the center of the main tent perched right in front of the capitol building," Barbi told CBN News. "This will be Tennessee's non-stop altar call, based on 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Ezekiel 22:30... by first calling all Christians to examine their hearts and '...turn from our wicked ways.' And then, to answer God's call to '...stand in the gap' and repent on behalf of our land." The Dove Award-winning singer/songwriters normally host a yearly "tent" gathering that focuses on worship and prayer, but this year as they sought the Lord, He moved them to take this year's event in a different direction. "God is pinpointing in our hearts the most important thing that needs to happen in our nation right now and in our church," Franklin said. She describes that as simply repentance. "Judgment begins in the House of the Lord and there are an awful lot of things that are not godly inside the church," she said. Barbi tells CBN News that at the foot of the 10-foot cross will be a box where people will be able to write personal confessions and then also repent for the sins of the nation. She added, "People [must] realize the key is humbling ourselves. We preach, 'Revival is coming, revival is coming.' But I can tell you revival is not coming until the Church turns from their wicked ways and gets freed up so that we can be the powerful Bride of Christ." - Father, we pray for a mighty move of God at the 'Worship City Repent Tents'. Pour out Your Holy Spirit-Fire upon broken and surrendered hearts as they seek Your face for forgiveness of personal iniquities, sins within the church, the family and throughout our nation. May every prayer and praise-song be a sweet-fragrant offering lifted to Your Holy Throne. We wait upon You and a revealing of Your GLORY bringing a fresh REVIVAL across America! In the mighty and powerful Name of Jesus Christ-Amen. - "Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near" (Matthew 3:2)

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