Tuesday, June 21, 2016

For Such a Time As This

The Book of Esther in the Old Testament of the BIBLE is a very stirring story of a young woman who, through circumstances over which she had no control, was brought from a state of ordinary-ness to to being queen.

Esther was chosen by the king to replace one of his wives who had incurred his disfavor by refusing to be displayed before his friends during a drunken party. The woman had chosen her dignity over the king's wanton desire to display his trophy wife and she was banished from his presence for doing so.

Esther, after being groomed and prepared to 'audition' for the role of queen for a lengthy period of time, was given her night with the king--and she was chosen.

She knew the king did not love her or honor her. She knew he knew nothing about her faith or her character or her capacity to be a loving and faithful wife. She was chosen solely because her physical attributes exceeded those of the other young women who had also been chosen as 'contestants' for the role of queen.

When Esther, a Jewess, was approached by her cousin Mordecai with the news that a high official in the king's court was plotting against GOD'S ancient people and that she must use her position to attempt to thwart his evil plan, she was frightened.

The king's interest in her had begun to wane. She had not been called to him for some time. To approach him without being summoned could result in her death. Esther revealed her plight to Mordecai. He was insistent that she must try, in spite of the odds, to use whatever influence she had with the king to save her people.

Mordecai pointed out to her that in GOD'S plan, she could be a crucial link, but if she refused to act in the behalf of the Jews, HE would find another way to accomplish their rescue. Mordecai pointed out to Esther that perhaps she had indeed been placed in her position, "FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS."

Is there an insurmountable challenge in your life? Are you facing something beyond your power to control? Do you feel threatened at the core of your being by circumstances that threaten to sweep over you with devastating impact?

Are you confronted with the challenge of Esther, who knew she could not find favor with the king apart from the intervention of the LORD?

If you read the entirety of Esther's story, you will discover that she was successful. The HOLY ONE granted her favor before the king and she was able to implement a plan that saved her people. GOD had called her to an impossible task, and HE enabled her to perform it victoriously.

At the point of your need, take the step of faith that Esther took and expect to see HIM glorify HIMSELF in you as HE did in her. Perhaps, indeed, this is the moment for which you have been created. The moment when CHRIST in you will reveal HIS glory to the world.


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