Tuesday, June 21, 2016

In Christ Alone

We are living in anxious times. Oh, we go about our daily activities as through everything were 'normal,' but beneath the calm surface of everyday life there is an undercurrent that is dragging down our hope for the future, that is swallowing our expectation of tomorrow into the depth of a tumultuous sea.

Even people of faith in a good GOD who cares for HIS people are shaken when confronted by the realities of natural disasters, on-going terrorism, financial upheaval, increased governmental meddling into the affairs of a free people--and, of course, there are the ever-present realities of encroaching age. 

Where do we, as believers in CHRIST, choose to place our focus at times like these? The reality is that where we place our focus is tantamount to where we place our faith.

If we look to the worrisome occurrences that are all around us, we will be driven and tossed like the waves of the ocean, but if we keep our eyes on JESUS, the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our faith, we will have HIS "peace that passes understanding to keep our hearts and our minds on HIM,"
Philippians 4:7 in spite of the confusion and conflagration that surrounds us.

LORD JESUS, we invite YOU into our lives in a new and fresh way. We open our hearts and our minds to a fresh in-filling of faith. We give ourselves to YOUR in-dwelling HOLY SPIRIT so the presence and power of the LIVING GOD within us may supersede every challenge around us.

When everything around us conveys a sense of hopelessness to our minds and hearts and spirits, we renew our faith that IN CHRIST ALONE OUR HOPE IS FOUND, that in this dark and dreary world, HE IS OUR LIGHT, OUR STRENGTH, OUR SONG.

"And you shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept, and gladness of heart." Isaiah 30:29

*** Is Christ Your Light, Your Strength & Your Song? ***

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