Saturday, June 11, 2016

Hell Does Not Exist


 Hell does not exist.

Lots of people have convinced themselves that there is no such place and that GOD would never send anyone there. Of course, this assertion flies in the face of what the Bible says.

Many who profess to believe in GOD, who assent to the truth that JESUS is the SAVIOR of the world, doubt the veracity of the horrible eternal consequence the LORD came to save us from!
If there is no hell, why did JESUS bother to die? If there is no hell; if we're all going to heaven anyway, why did the HOLY ONE sacrifice HIMSELF in our behalf?

The profound reality is that hell does exist and that many will abide there eternally. The WORD of GOD says, "Broad is the road that leads to damnation and many there be that find it." Matthew 7:13

Our sins require that a just GOD punish us, but because HE is merciful, because HE loves us, HE construed another way to pay the penalty for our transgressions--JESUS paid for them HIMSELF.
We will not go to hell because of our sins. No. We will go to hell because we rejected JESUS, the only propitiation for our sins.

May this profound reality, the most significant truth we know, become the motivating factor of our lives and compel us to bow at the foot of the cross and receive as our own the ONE who died so we may live.

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