Saturday, June 11, 2016



It's sometimes difficult to read Elizabethan English because so much of the language--grammar and vocabulary--is archaic; and it seems we have come to a time in the progression of history and language when such notions of honor and truth and integrity are passe.

Will it be that the up-coming generation will read our lament of the loss of honor and veracity and integrity in our government and wonder exactly what it is that we regretted losing?

Politicians have always been somewhat dubious. Voters have always had cause to wonder if there were such an entity as an honest government official who would actually endeavor to fulfill his campaign promises; yet today's offering in the political arena is especially wanting.

It is arguable that Donald Trump has made dubious business deals in his lifetime of acquiring wealth and lavishing himself with the trappings of extraordinary success. Perhaps he is not the most honorable man to have ever run for the office of president, but his opponent, Hillary Clinton has a decades-long trail of questionable history.

The White Water scandal, the untimely deaths of many individuals who had profound knowledge of her involvement in numerous schemes, her interference into government matters when her husband was in the office of president--these and so many more incidents in her past cast an enormous shadow of doubt over her character.

More recently there is the fact of her acceptance of hundreds of millions of dollars of contributions from foreign governments (once called 'influence peddling'), and her appointment of a woman deeply enmeshed in islamic terrorism as her most trusted assistant...

...Of course there is her abandonment of the American Embassy and the American Ambassador to the hands of a ruthless terrorist mob in Benghazi.

There is her 'indiscretion' regarding top secret government e-mails. It will perhaps never be known just how much her traitorous acts have compromised the safety of Americans and the security of our nation.

The election of this woman (which seems inevitable) will be the final nail in the coffin of our once-great nation. Hillary Clinton is the antithesis of our first President George Washington who "could not tell a lie," and of one of our greatest presidents, President Abraham Lincoln, who was known as "Honest Abe."

Where do YOU stand regarding the old-fashioned words of "honor, truth, integrity"? How far will your vote go to eliminate the use of and the memory of them from the political scene?


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