Sunday, June 19, 2016


Some might say that it is ironic that the same government that has released billions of dollars to Iran, a muslim government that is sworn to destroy the "Great Satan," (the United States), and which it is using to strengthen its military, is intent upon disarming the AMERICAN PEOPLE, who are law-abiding citizens.

Some might say it is ironic that our elected representatives respond to an atrocity such as the one in Orlando by saying guns must be taken from AMERICANS instead of saying that caution must be exercised toward a group of people who are at the root of virtually every act of terrorism that has been committed since 9/11.

Our founding fathers, in view of the fact that an entity has been released among us who desires our total destruction, that has frankly stated, "We will use your laws to destroy your miserable house," would insist that every AMERICAN become a 'MINUTEMAN'!

That every AMERICAN become a DEFENDER of freedom!

That every AMERICAN be armed and ready to fight and overcome that enemy among us!

If GEORGE WASHINGTON were here today, he would NOT be promoting gun control; he would be advocating an armed and ready citizenry, ready to defend AMERICA and her CONSTITUTION and her FREEDOM and her CHRISTIAN FAITH!

US Overpowered by ISIS - Why We're Not Bombing Them

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