Sunday, June 19, 2016

Who Will YOU Choose?

Has there ever been a 'perfect candidate' for president?


Going back to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, for example, there were some who disdained his candidacy because he was Catholic. There were some who opposed him because of his promiscuous lifestyle. There were some who felt he was not old enough to shoulder the burden of the office.

But when he was elected, his patriotism and love for AMERICA and her people shone brightly through his presidency.

Do we have a perfect candidate in Donald Trump?


Some oppose his candidacy because he is not 'politically correct.' Trump is bold to speak his mind. While some find this trait offensive, others see it as 'refreshing.' In a sea of political liars, Trump is a man whose word is at least reflective of what he believes.

Some criticize his lack of experience. The media in particular had no concerns at all when they promoted the last successful candidate who was totally lacking in experience. That AMERICA has gone downhill under his watch seems to leave them unfazed still.

Many recognize the lack of support for Trump by major political players as the fact that he is not 'owned' by them. Because he is independent of them and because he can't be controlled by them, he endangers their standing. They are not thinking of the well-being of AMERICA under a Trump presidency but of their own diminished power if Trump is elected.

And what of the opposing candidate? Author and mid-east expert Joel Rosenberg has summed up Hillary Clinton quite well:

“We’re in a strange moment where Hillary Clinton has the most foreign policy experience, but her judgment on the key foreign policy issues -- especially radical Islam -- is horrible, She’s the most corrupt and deeply flawed Democratic candidate that has emerged in history."

The choices in the up-coming election boil down essentially to these: Vote for a candidate who upholds AMERICAN interests and desires to promote AMERICAN ascendancy, or select one who has accepted vast monies from governments that hate AMERICA, to whom she is beholding; one who has betrayed AMERICANS on the field to death by those entities rather than intercede in their behalf.

Vote for one whose intent is to advance your interests worldwide or for one who has already sold your interests to the highest bidder.

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