Friday, June 2, 2017

The Paris Accord

The Paris Accord

Here is a definitive word on the controversial topic of climate change. It is another confirmation that our President, Donald Trump, is endeavoring to indeed serve the interests of our nation--and without doing harm to the rest of the world.

The liberal media portrays his every act, his every word, unfavorably, so we need more average citizens to share the truth about him wherever, whenever, however they can.

Paris Accord - the truth: I've worked in clean energy for a couple of years, and believe in proper planet stewardship, plus, I have studied the Accord and spoken widely about it the last 1 1/2 years, so I believe I have credibility in what I am about to say. I hope you can put aside any bias for a moment and consider my words.

* The Climate Change movement is based on computer projections into the future and not empirical data. In fact, there has been no rise in temperature the last 20 years. 40 years ago scientists were wailing over an ice age that was upon us using scientific models. But never happened.

* Historical scientific data shows gradual temperature vicissitudes throughout time, even long before man had the capability to affect climate changes with industry, cars, coal, etc. Two examples: what caused the ice age (and what caused the ice age to recede to more livable temperatures)? Why was it significantly hotter during the dark ages than it its now?

* The Accord binds the US to contribute a horribly unbalanced portion of the funding to the tune of trillions and trillions of YOUR tax dollars.

This is money that will not see the light of day in our economy, neither in general nor specific services to the overall welfare of our nation. It it's simply a global tax and reparation to small nations that have been "abused and pillaged" by the mighty Americans.

It is just as important to understand the underlying motives of this agreement as it is to understand the surface points. As such, our economy will be damaged. Plus, the 190 or so nations that have signed on to this agreement are getting free cash! Why wouldn't they sign on to it?

* The goal, which is non- binding, of carbon emission reduction is a noble one. But it will be impossible to enforce. Sure, make China stick to the agreement! Oddly as it may seem, China does not have the necessary natural energy reserves a nation of its size ( and growing needs) demands to keep it's people, military, and government afloat. Therefore, solar, wind, and nuclear make great sense to them. But still, good luck enforcing this agreement with anyone. Moreover, the reduction goal is imperceptible in the large scope of the planet and how it naturally cleanses itself. Its like investing a million dollars to make penny. There must a better way.

* Finally, while not legally binding, it opens the door for international lawsuits against the United States regarding its carbon emission and alleged damage to other nations. It also, as a result of this and aspects of what the Accord requires, diminishes more of the sovereignty of the USA. You can hear the chants getting louder and louder across the nation and globe (see brexit and most recently Mark Zuckerberg, who spoke quite emphatically about the dangers of nationalism and that it's time has passed) that nationalism is an enemy of the "greater good of mankind."

It is more than about protecting our planet. It is part of a political and social philosophy that wants to change life on planet earth as we know it by consolidating power with fear and threats.

It is true that there is a growing number of prominent scientists and politicians who believe climate change deniers should go to prison; but as deals go, it just didn't make sense.

None of you would ever invest in this with your personal finances. If you would, I have some property in Atlantis I'd like to sell you.

**The above is from a friend of mine, honest and reliable. I was stunned to read the cost of what we would be paying for this.

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