Thursday, February 23, 2017

Thank You for Your Service

Our society is very quick to make heroes of athletes and movie stars and rock singers but those who are the true heroes--the guardians of our culture and of our faith--often go unsung.

May each of us resolve to remedy that grave discrepancy in our national mindset...may each of us who understand the dedication and the sacrifice that anchor our military to their unswerving determination to uphold this country and its laws and its freedoms...hold our brave men and women in uniform up in prayer before GOD'S Throne of Mercy and Grace.

May we "pray without ceasing" for the strength of their arms and that GOD will ever give them victory over all our enemies. May we pray unceasingly for their safety and for their return home at the appointed time.

From our grateful hearts to all those who have served in each of our nation's wars:

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