Monday, November 26, 2018


Many people have died for others.
Mothers have spent themselves for their children.
Soldiers have put their lives on the line for their fellow citizens.
Missionaries have sacrificed the comforts of home to share the good news of JESUS with the lost.
These and other laudable people have given their all to benefit those whose needs have come before them.
Yet there is a sacrifice that far exceeds these...and that is not to suggest that these are of no value. Indeed, no mortal gives of himself without offering a virtually incomprehensible gift to the advantage of others.
Yet the "unspeakable gift" of JESUS differs in one profound way. HIS gift is based solely upon the need we have that was produced by our sin.
All the human benefactors give of themselves based upon shared human feelings:
The mother spends herself for love.
The soldier puts his life on the line for patriotism.
The missionary sacrifices his comfort for faith.
You and I may not give of ourselves as they have, but we understand love; we understand patriotism; we understand faith.
The CHRIST who gave HIMSELF for us, however, knew no sin !!!!!!!!!!!!!
JESUS is the sinless entity that spoke the worlds into being.
JESUS is the sinless being who fashioned man from the dust of the earth.
JESUS is the sinless member of the TRINITY who holds all of creation in the hollow of HIS hand.
When HE came to Earth to save us from our sin, HE took our sin upon HIMSELF. HE took what HE did not know from HIS own experience upon HIMSELF so we could experience the righteousness we cannot know of ourselves.
How great is the FATHER'S love, that while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us.
Don't ignore the wondrous love that has been spent for you.

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