Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Sanctity of Nationhood

The Sanctity of Nationhood
We live at a very unusual time in history. Where once all people viewed the nation of their birth, of their cultural heritage, as virtually sacrosanct, today there are many who consider national borders and cultural boundaries to be passé.
This mindset was quite common in Europe after the last great war and the establishment of a united continent that had virtually superseded the idea of nation states until the great influx of people who disdained the cultural and religious heritage of Europe and proceeded to replace them with its own.
With that brazen attack on all that identifies the European culture, many that turned against the idea of open borders and open, welcoming arms that reach out to the newcomers.
In our own nation, the debate continues. Staunch patriots support President Trump in his determination to, "make America great again," while the opposition sees any who oppose open borders and welcoming receptions to any and all comers as bigotry.
Some have referred to America as "the last bastion of freedom in the world." If they are right, can a nation long be free that does not guard its political and cultural and religious identity?
Do those who desire a "one world order" really want the nation in which they live to become another Venezuela?
Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel insists that the borders of his country be maintained carefully--he recently announced that Israel will not join the United Nations' (UN) Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).
In a statement Tuesday, Netanyahu, who also serves as Israel's foreign minister, said he had instructed the Foreign Ministry to announce that Israel will not accede to, and will not sign, the GCM.
"We are committed to guarding our borders against illegal migrants. This is what we have done and this is what we will continue to do," he stated.
Perhaps in this hour of invading armies marching across borders to seek relocation into nations other than their own, the invaded nations must take Netanyahu's course of action.

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