Saturday, January 26, 2019


We should not use "pure" and "evil" together, for the two are polar opposites; we should say, "unadulterated evil."
The leaders in NEW YORK who signed this abomination of a bill are practicers of unadulterated evil.

"When leaders pass a law legalizing the killing of a baby on the day it is to be born, that law is pure evil; those leaders are pure evil."  Sam Morgan

We should not use "pure" and "evil" together, for the two are polar opposites; we should say, "unadulterated evil."
The leaders in NEW YORK who signed this abomination of a bill are practicers of unadulterated evil.

Sam Morgan

When leaders pass a law legalizing the =killing of a baby on the day it is to be born, that law is pure evil.


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