Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Prayer Concerns

Prayer Concerns
This is an important week to be in prayer and the Lord will utilize our prayers to make a real difference::
1. Lebanon - A friend that we have worked with in past years writes: "It's the third day of protests and the number of people in the streets is increasing where about two (2) million people are camping in the streets all over the land.
1. There are one (1) million just in downtown where the seat of power is. The results of these protests could lead to a decrease of Hezbollah power in Lebanon. This might not happen very peacefully but Lebanon needs to get free from this evil grip. We don't know what tomorrow will bring but we are increasing prayer, demanding freedom and release from Iran's dominance that is keeping Lebanon in bondage.
For those of you who don't really know what this means, it is that Hezbollah is politically and military holding the government. They can decide to start a war with Israel whenever they want to even if the Lebanese government doesn't want to, they can get involved in the Syria war in spite of the Lebanese government not wanting to be involved etc.
2. Hong Kong - Please keep this strategic and beautiful city in your prayers as the demonstrations continue after four months with both sides seemingly unwilling to compromise.
Violence causing injuries to people and damage to property has been part of what is happening there along with reports of police brutality against the protestors who have largely wanted to use their constitutional rights to demonstrate in a peaceful manner.
Pray for reconciliation and a win-win solution to be reached that will keep Hong Kong free from the dictatorial controls being experienced by many in the Chinese mainland.
3. ALERT! (As reported on yesterday's Brief)
Thousands of witches plan Halloween spell to bind President Trump - "A week before Halloween, opponents of President Trump will gather in the thousands to cast a spell on the administration to prevent the administration from harming the country.
Participants in the ritual, which has been performed regularly since Trump's inauguration, are taking particular encouragement from Democrats' recent launch of an impeachment inquiry, which they see as a sign their efforts are working. "I'm willing to go on record and say it's working," said Michael Hughes, the self-described magical thinker and activist who came up with the ritual.
The spell is crafted "to bind Donald Trump and all those who abet him," and is supposed to be performed during every waning crescent moon until Trump is removed from office. While he said it is difficult to calculate how many people participated at the first event in 2017, Hughes said it was "definitely in the thousands" and spread "across the world." He noted that several thousand people continue to participate in the ritual every month.
Hughes' spell comes at a time in which witchcraft is on the rise in the United States. From 1990 to 2008, the number of individuals practicing Wicca, a form of witchcraft, increased from about 8,000 to about 340,000. In 2014, the number of Wiccans in the United States may have been as high as 1.5 million, based on a Pew survey." (October 18, Washington Examiner)
A word of caution: Before reading this material, ask our Lord to cover your mind in the Blood of the Lamb, and, if possible, receive Communion next.
Let's pray for the protection of President Trump and all in his administration who are doing their best to restore America and are the most pro-Christian, pro-prayer, pro-religious freedom, and pro-life in history.
Let's also pray in the authority that the Lord has given us for the overthrow of every incantation and wicked scheme directed by these occultists and that they will be set free from the delusion and grip of the evil one.
Thanks so much for your prayers of faith and authority led by the Spirit for His breakthrough in these important concerns.
Warm regards in Christ,
John Robb
Chairman, International Prayer Council

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