Monday, October 21, 2019

Thank You, Kristen

Thank You, Kristen
Every year, our beautiful Connections Pastor, Kristen Miller, spends herself to organize an amazing women's conference for the group she leads. The name of the group is "LAVISH," and the word, though expansive, hardly begins to describe the extent of blessing the conference brings to the women of our church and our community.

Our thanks and praise arise to the Throne of Mercy and Grace in the behalf of this godly woman who has placed her hand in the hand of the HOLY ONE who leads her and the women who are blessed to follow her each year to amazing new heights of knowledge and of worship and of praise of our LORD.

Thank you, Kristen, for your tireless effort in our behalf.

Thank YOU, FATHER, for raising up this amazing daughter of YOURS to illumine the path of so many of YOUR other daughters into the presence of JESUS where they may bow together at HIS footstool.

It's Over
It's over, but only if you allow the words spoken by the outstanding women you were privileged to sit under for two days to remain in the sanctuary.
If you will, you can carry those marvelous truths in your heart and on your lips into your sphere of influence and scatter them like seeds upon the dry ground around you.
Water them with your tears and cultivate those precious seeds with your prayers and the glorious fruit of this year's Lavish Conference will flourish throughout our community.
Be bold in your scattering, for the seeds that have been entrusted to you hold eternal hope for the lost around you.

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