Monday, November 18, 2019

God's Promises

God's Promises
Receiving a promise from God is a wonderful blessing to be cherished in your heart and anchored in your spirit, but sometimes His promises seem to be a long time in coming to fruition. What is a believer to do when he finds himself holding on to a word from God that no longer seems viable?
Of that, the Word of God itself reminds believers, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9.
Sometimes, His promise to you is contingent upon His concern for someone else and how the fulfillment of your word could impact them. Perhaps an unbeliever who is watching your life needs to see your promise unfold gradually, rather than to see your circumstances fall immediately into place.
The Scriptures suggest that God extends His grace to people and patiently waits for them to change. God desires that you examine yourself carefully in the light of His Word and become sensitive to the Holy Spirit's conviction in areas that you need to change.
Is there an area of unbelief within you that He is overcoming by allowing you to await the fulfillment of a promise? If your faith is being strengthened as you wait for your word to come to pass, certainly, that is a small price to pay for the victory your wait is bringing to you.
If you really love God, He gives you the chance to respond voluntarily to the Spirit. But if you don't respond, He will often extract submission through the circumstances He allows to touch your life.
May each believer pray at the point of profoundest need, "Father, when I feel a thorn pricking at my spirit, help me to remember that the purpose is to allow me a chance to deal with Your conviction and to respond in submission to Your will."

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