Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Intense Hatred and Vitriol

Rev. Graham: 'I've Never Witnessed Such Intense Hatred and Vitriol Toward a Sitting President' by Michael W. Chapman
Commenting on the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, evangelical leader Franklin Graham said the "drive to impeach" Trump is "tearing our country apart," and that he has "never witnessed such intense hatred ... toward a sitting president."
Rev. Graham added that there are "spiritual forces of wickedness and darkness at work in our nation."
In his November commentary for Decision magazine, published by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Rev. Graham applauded the Trump administration for its strong support for religious liberty in the United States and around the world.
"Rather than coming together and focusing on the persistent problems plaguing our nation --including immigration and national security -- the zeal to remove the president is consuming every moment of Congress, throwing us into political chaos and undermining the authority of our elected leaders," said the reverend, who is the son of the late Pastor Billy Graham.
Rev. Graham then talked about how, until Christ returns to us, the Devil, Satan will wander the world causing chaos, despair and death.
"There are spiritual forces of wickedness and darkness at work in our nation," said Graham. "They work to deceive and destroy in any capacity they can, whether in the life of an individual, a community or a country."
Until Christ returns in His Second Coming, "the most effective and powererful thing we can do is pray," said Rev. Graham.
"Pray for our president, for wisdom and guidance in the days to come," he wrote. "Pray for both parties, that they will put aside their animosity and partisan politics for the sake of the unity of our great nation. Pray that the hostility will cease, and that peacemakers from both sides of the aisle will provide the courageous leadership so desperately needed."
Rev. Graham then noted that America was founded by Christians, and those who understood the necessity of Christian morality, who knew that liberty cannot flourish in a God-less nation.
"Our nation was born in a quest for religious liberty and founded on Christian moral and spiritual principles," said the reverend.
He continued, "John Adams, an original signer of the Declaration of Independence and our second president, wrote a profound letter to the Massachusetts Militia in the fall of 1798, saying: 'Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.'"
"We should never take for granted our freedom to pray," said Rev. Graham. "It’s not too late to ask the Lord to bring revival to America and transform the hearts of those who seek to undermine the values our nation was founded upon."
"Pray that we as Christians make our voices heard by voting faithfully and wisely in the upcoming elections," he said.

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