Monday, July 31, 2017

Urgent Prayer Alert

Urgent Prayer Alert for the First Family by Lance Wallnau

Dr. Lance Wallnau prayed, not only for President Trump recently, but also for his family and those who work with him.

The last couple of weeks have been particularly difficult on President Donald Trump, but even more so for his family and those who work with him, and that was the focus of the latest call to prayer Dr. Lance Wallnau made recently.

"Witches have been releasing tens of thousands of curses against Trump," he said. "I found something out. People were praying for me, you know, at the inauguration. I got out of a vehicle before it got jumped by the goofball Antifa crowd, who destroyed windows, looted property, had a hundred people put in jail and had a lawyer who then got arrested with them.

"This is a machine, my friends, a demonic machine is out there! Before they could torch my car, burn it to the ground and injure my driver, we got dropped off. So, I'm thankful for the prayers at the inauguration that kept my wife and me from harm."

"As you watch this machine, this vicious machine that—basically, politics is all about destruction of your opponents," he said. "It's not about the debate of ideas anymore. It's about annihilating your opposition.

"The president is watching his kids get torn apart. Any Christian should say the family should be together, especially when the father leaves the business world to serve and lead the nation. He needs all the family he can have because he's got so many ideological enemies out there."

Wallnau prayed for the president, his wife, the president's sons, daughter and son-in-law, and he even prayed for Attorney General Jeff Sessions and for Sen. John McCain. Having heard another prophet suggest the president may suffer a stroke, he made another intercessory prayer to "veto that stroke in Jesus' name."

His video was eventually cut off due to technical difficulties—but not before he shared some tough love for believers who have not yet taken action in the spiritual warfare that surrounds the Trump presidency.

Wallnau, following through on an earlier promise to say something "terribly controversial," said "We're out in spiritual la-la land thinking the world is going to change because we're having another prayer meeting with a prophecy over it. Not gonna happen," he said. "There's a deception in the church. The deception is this: The spiritual realm is somehow separated from the earthly realm.

"God took Adam and breathed the breath of life in him. Man functions as a physical being with a spiritual authority. Christians who keep going off to Spirit land are on a spiritual vacation and say that everything is spiritual and say all they have to do is get more spiritual—are spiritually in the courts of heaven thinking it's all going to resolve itself.

"I tell you what. You win a battle in the courts of heaven and don't go through the action on earth, opening your mouth and advocating your cause, and speaking the truth, and proclaiming the truth, then you are vetoed. Not because you didn't do your job in spiritual warfare, but because you didn't follow it up with corresponding action. It means nothing for you to do a sacrifice to God before battle and then not show up and go into battle.

"Joshua would not have taken a single mountain if he had followed today's Christian theology about everything being in the spirit realm and nothing being in the natural realm. At some point, believers have got to realize that the natural realm matters because it is a significant battlefield of the spiritual realm."

When they realize that truth, there will be increased fasting and prayer and Bible reading and waiting on the Lord. When they realize that truth, the Church will indeed be the Church.

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