Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Work Together or...

  1. Work Together or Prepare to Lose by Dr. D. James Kennedy
  2. “…be eager to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”  Ephesians 4:3
  3. ...
  4. In Philippians, Paul tells us that we are to stand fast in one mind and one spirit, striving together for the faith of the Gospel. The word striving together in Greek is the word from which we get athletics, and in fact it would be a team sport, probably team wrestling.
  5. The Greeks had a form of wrestling where one team of 5 or 6 people would line up and the other team would line up, and at a signal they would all leap at each other and the opposing team members would wrestle.
    Well, we are to strive to wrestle together for the faith of the Gospel, for the propagation of the Gospel of Christ. You know there is nothing that will solve church problems more than an outward look at the enemies that are all around us.
  6. The early church had to deal with the Roman pagans who thought Christians were atheists because they didn’t have idols. They had the Greek sophists around them. They had the Jews who were persecuting them. They had all sorts of problems, so generally, they wouldn’t be fighting among each other; they would be unified in fighting their mutual opponents.
    The problems of the peace time army are notorious, and the same problems arise within the church when there appears to be no outward enemy. When the church becomes involved in internal warfare with itself God's ancient foe can easily wreak his mischief upon the Body of Christ.
  7. I tell you one thing with certainty; if you had 5 or 6 men on a wrestling team wrestling with others, they no doubt may have some differences among themselves, but I assure you they would learn to work together—or they would quickly lose the match.
  8. Believers must not allow themselves to be engulfed in internal struggles that distract them from the real enemy. This match is crucial and victory is assured if the eyes of the faithful are kept on the One who promises that they are "more than conquerors."
  9. Dear Lord, forgive us that Your church on earth is fraught with factionalism. Forgive us for any way in which we contribute to this disunity. Give each believer strength for today to be a positive force for unity in Your body.

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