Monday, March 23, 2020

A Reporter Speaks

A Reporter Speaks

Here are a few thoughts about today's news reporting by a reporter, Camille Bissell, who lives in Arkansas

As a reporter myself I agree 100% that today's reporting lacks integrity and accuracy. It doesn't matter to me if it it is President Trump or former President Clinton or Jesus Himself, who calls out the sloppy, biased journalism of our day; the fact of the matter is that those who write the news are not conveying the news accurately but are promoting their own agenda.

The media is 100% playing on fear and spreading hysteria. We were TOLD as reporters to write inflammatory headlines because "fear sells."

I watched our governor here in Arkansas with my own eyes, speak on the precautions our state was going to take, and then I went on to read news stories online where he was TOTALLY misquoted...

I watched an MSNBC reporter recently who blatantly stated on live television that the "CDC never said this virus was first discovered in China" but the truth is that the CDC unequivocally made that statement. The statement is on their website and the World Health Organization has also said it originated in China...

Yesterday I listened to a Fox reporter say how we were "first told this virus would not infect the younger generation and now it is" ..NOBODY ever said it wouldn't infect younger people; what was said was that it wouldn't be as severe in younger people as it would be in the elderly or those with compromised immune systems. Not one single report EVER said that young people were immune to this.

SHAME on the biased media people who are misquoting health officials, taking things out of context, flat out LYING, and using scare tactics to promote their liberal agenda.

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