Monday, March 23, 2020

Viable Concerns

Viable Concerns by W.K.

In a recent discussion with a retired Christian physician, several spiritual observations were made by the wise gentleman.

It is his opinion that the current tactics to counter the coronavirus are overblown and overly-intrusive into the lives of American citizens. He fears they are setting the nation up for seizure of the rights many take for granted.

Here are a few of his observations:

This crisis is bringing our people to a time of decision; they will either choose God, which will usher in a great spiritual revival, or continue in rebellion against Him and bring upon themselves His wrath.

A rebellious people may continue to wallow in sin but the prayers of people of faith have the power to cause them to open their eyes to their rebellion and their sin and turn our nation back to Jesus.

-As other prophets have spoken, there will be a brief continuation of the intensity of this plague but soon the nation will begin to see signs of the return to normalcy. That process will continue through the month of April. Financial markets will also begin stabilizing in early April, and by the end of May and early June, the Dow Jones will be back in the 27,000 range.

-COVID-19 is very contagious but fewer than 1% of those infected will die, and the VAST MAJORITY of those who die will be elderly people with pre-existing existing health problems. Most people infected will never know they have it and will recover as will over 99% of those who test positive.

-Understanding this we must deal with the fact that we cannot destroy the nation’s economy that 330,000 million people in the United States and 7 billion people around the world depend upon in response to a contagion that is affecting so few of the world’s people.

-People must be made aware that the media which has been in full attack against our dully-elected president is now promoting the story of the coronavirus to exploit this health crisis to accomplish their agenda which compels them to take down the Trump presidency.

-The mainstream media is in full attack mode in its endeavor to assure that President Donald Trump is NOT re-elected this November. If it requires millions dying while millions more lose their jobs, creating worldwide economic hardship, the left-leaning media is resolute in their determination, for they truly believe that THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS!

Unfortunately, at a time when the nation needs an honest and objective media, journalists have squandered that trust to advance their own objectives.

Beyond the medical and political concerns that are brought to light by the current coronavirus quagmire, there is also the spiritual concern that the current crisis has been used as a justification for shutting down our churches. Now that they know they can, what real or contrived reason will the government use next to shut down our houses of worship?

Of further concern is what other rights are being put in jeopardy?

Our right to free speech?
Our right to keep and bear arms?
Our right to be free from illegal search and seizure?

What Constitutional rights are we willing to sacrifice during this health crisis or the next major crisis that threatens our nation or the world?

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