Monday, December 26, 2016

Just a Memory, or...?

No matter how sweet it was, no matter how many wonderful gifts you received, no matter how many loved ones gathered with you to celebrate, CHRISTMAS, 2016 is now just a memory.

All you have that remain of the day are the reflections of the moments and the joys you shared with the precious people in your life...except for the attitude you have toward CHRISTMAS itself.

If the holiday was nothing more to you than the annual gathering of family and friends to share the delights of a time-honored tradition, then it's past.

But if it was a time of reflection upon GOD'S "unspeakable GIFT," II Corinthians 9:15 of a SAVIOR who left the corridors of Heaven to be born as a helpless BABE, then it is a mindset upon which you may successfully lay the foundation of your life.

If you know Bethlehem's BABE grew to be the SAVIOR of mankind, if you believe in your heart of hearts that JESUS came to save you from the terrible consequences of your sin, if you know in the very core of your being that the events of CHRISTMAS DAY are the backdrop for the sacrifice on Mt. CALVARY, then the spirit of this holy season will abide with you.

And in abiding in your heart and mind and spirit, the holiday you have just celebrated will be the central focus for the rest of your life. From that place within yourself where everything orients around JESUS, will come the transformation of you own life from its focus on the things of time to its focus on the truths of eternity.

From that place within yourself where everything orients around JESUS, will come the resolve to make HIM known to everyone you meet.

From that place within yourself where everything orients around JESUS will come the determination to obey HIS admonition to HIS followers, "GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND SHARE THE GOSPEL WITH EVERY CREATURE."

“Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." - Luke 2:10-11

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