Wednesday, November 29, 2017



  2. More powerful than all the armies of nations, more available than the air you breathe --PRAYER-- transports you to the Throne Room of HEAVEN and gives you access to the ONE who has said, "ASK, and you shall receive," to the ONE who has given you "the same power that raised JESUS from the dead and lives in you."

  3. Strongholds must topple! 

  4. The enemy must flee!

  5. Believers must be strengthened!

  6. Because JESUS has assured you that "You can do all things through CHRIST who gives you strength," you are a mighty, unconquerable warrior!

  7. Pray over your family.
    Pray over your friends.
    Pray over your workplace.
    Pray over those whom the LORD brings to your mind.

  8. Pray, believing that you have what you ask of HIM, for HIS WORD cannot lie; JESUS cannot fail...

  9. ...HE will give you "the substance of things asked for, the evidence of things not seen."

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