Sunday, November 26, 2017

Your Joy / Your Crown of Glory

  1. Your Joy / Your Crown of Glory

  2. Christmas is only a month away. It's not too soon to begin doing your gift shopping and planning your Christmas menu. If you want to be ready for the holiday, you won't neglect these important tasks.

  3. If you want the full impact of the celebration of the birth of JESUS to lift your heart and your spirit into the glorious realm of loving HIM with every fiber of your being, that too requires preparation on your part.

  4. ...
    Delve into the WORD of our HOLY GOD. Study the history of the event we celebrate as it unfolds through the OLD TESTAMENT. Observe the "types" and "shadows" of JESUS that are found throughout the WORD of GOD and recognize the impact of their fulfillment in the temporal life of the SAVIOR.

  5. The more you know about HIM, the more precious HE will be to you. The more you understand HIS purpose in coming to Earth as a man, the more fully you will appreciate the unspeakable GIFT HE offers to you.

  6. And when you embrace HIM as your own SAVIOR with a full heart, the joy of CHRISTMAS won't be merely in gifts and decorations; it will be in the crown of glory you receive that will never fade away.

                  1. There’s nothing quite like Christmas. It captures our hearts and ignites our imagination as we hear the story of how an eternal God stepped into time to save the world.

                  2. The Bible says in John 3:16 that God loved us so much that He gave. But it was no ordinary gift. It was extravagant, forever altering the course of human history.

                  3. That gift would come in the form of a child, a Savior born to restore peace, beauty, and a divine connection to our Creator. His Name is Jesus.

                  4. Through His life, death, and resurrection, we are made new. Forgiveness, grace, and mercy are freely available to anyone who calls upon His Name. So as you reflect on the meaning of Christmas this holiday season, remember God’s extraordinary love in sending us the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ.

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