Friday, November 24, 2017


  1. Understanding

  2. GOD does not call HIS people to understand. In fact, sometimes it seems HIS purpose is to cultivate the faith of HIS people in a way that transcends their understanding.

  3. If believers in CHRIST could see as the ALMIGHTY sees, if they could "see the end from the beginning" as HE does, where would be the need for faith?
    The BIBLE says, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." So, if we have the substance of that for which we hope; if we have the evidence of that which we long to see, where is our need for faith? How can our faith grow strong if we never need to exercise it?

  4. And why does the HOLY ONE consider our increasing in faith to be so important? 

  5. Perhaps because HE has stated that, "without faith it is impossible to please HIM."

  6. Do we desire to please HIM? Or do we just want what we want?

  7. When our prayers don't yield immediate results, we have the opportunity to be steadfast in faith.

  8. When the bottom falls out of our world, we have the opportunity to hold fast to JESUS despite our distress.

  9. When we trust HIM to be in control of our lives when our lives are spiraling out of control, the ONE who has complete control can bring to pass HIS perfect purposes in HIS people.

  10. Even when we cannot see the veracity of HIS WORD, we may trust that HIS WORD IS TRUE, and that HE IS TRUE TO HIS WORD.

  11. Trust that even in the twists and turns of life, God is in control.

  12. If you missed Rabbi Jonathan Cahn you can now watch it On Demand! Just visit click here:!

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