Thursday, November 23, 2017



From a pastor in Missouri:

At the risk of angering my many Democratic Friends and Family I must point out the following.

On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump accomplished the impossible. Every poll, every media outlet and the Democratic and Republican Parties believed Hillary Rodham Clinton would become the next, and first woman President of the United States, right up to, through and after the election process. All were wrong.

Since the election we have seen an unprecedented attack on our President, his cabinet picks and all those who worked on his campaign team. The Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama were left stunned but have regrouped to resist, undermine and make void President Donald Tramp's presidency.

I lived through what I consider to be eight years of a divisive, arrogant, dictator-in-chief. Obama was a man who claimed to be a constitutionalist but he shredded the document at every opportunity. Barrack Obama not only made the campaign promise that he would "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America he set that transformation in motion.

From Obama a new era of Racial hatred has emerged, anti- Christian sentiment has increased, and a generation of Socialist, Fascist, neo Communist youth have been birthed.

Obama embraced Islam while vilifying Christianity, he espoused riotous behavior, he disdained civil authority and he put America DOWN on his world tour.

Michelle Obama's words, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change", ring in my ears. She lived through the Gulf Wars, saw the twin towers fall with brave firemen and policemen running into the fire but felt no pride, no patriotism for America. She saw the end of the Cold War but was not proud. She brought the Ghetto into her speech and actions, and she and her husband set America back 50 years.

Now we have a President who is patriotic, who clearly wants to change--not America but change the District of Corruption, not the heritage or the favor God has poured upon this land.
The last days of earth may be a bit far off yet but the last days of the America I knew and loved died in 2008. Even long standing, once revered Republicans turned against Trump.

America was in is in Intensive Care, taking oxygen, being monitored, with the last rites having been administered. It was past time for Americans to wake up.

Perhaps with the election of Donald Trump to the presidency there will be a return to the values that defined this land.

Perhaps with the election of Donald Trump there will be a restoration of the greatness that set America apart from other nations of the world.

Perhaps with the election of Donald Trump there will be a renewal of faith in Christ which was the foundation stone of the Constitution and of the heart of our founders.


God help the USA!.
Pastor Dave

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