Saturday, September 26, 2015

Trust Your Instruments

Believers in Christ sometimes experience a sense of disorientation that causes them to feel lost, alone, abandoned. This often occurs at the point of their greatest need.

Aviators have often experienced a similar type of disorientation. Flying into a cloud bank, navigating a storm, or even in the grip of darkness, pilots have been known to lose their bearings and unintentionally fly their aircraft right into the ground.

Experienced aviators have learned that in such situations, they dare not trust their senses but depend completely on their instruments. Christians must apply that principle to their walk with the Lord.
When they are overcome by the storms of life and by the darkness of their circumstances, they must not rely upon their senses but upon their faith. Faith is the instrument by which believers are able to overcome the tumultuous circumstances through which they must sometimes pass.

Faith is the believer’s hope when all hope seems lost. Faith transforms despair to hope, depression to joy, darkness to light. Faith assures that there is a way where there seems to be no way.

Like the pilot, flying with his instruments as his guide, "We live by faith but not by sight." II Corinthians 5:7

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