Saturday, November 21, 2015

Receive and Be Fed

We are a people who abound in the trappings of life. The average person today in the Western world is more indulged than were the kings and queens of old. We lavish ourselves with the niceties of life and we fill ourselves with the dainties of the world's table. To our credit, we are not merely self-indulgent but we have endeavored to eradicate hunger and want world-wide.

But in all our consumption, there is one thing of which there has become a great lack. At a time when we fill our physical lives with good things, we are starving our spirits.

There was a time when man strove to know the LORD in truth and in power. The great universities of America were established to expand the opportunity of the citizenry to apprehend the GOSPEL of CHRIST. Church services of long duration were attended by a populace that was devoted to the Almighty and to His Holy Word.

With our prosperity, we have shifted our focus from the true eternal wealth and the sumptuous spiritual feast that were ours to the paltry treasure of time and the food of indifference to the things of Heaven that comes with a temporal feast.

O, God of Heaven and Earth, who dwells in the heavenlies and who holds everything that exists in the hollow of Your hand, we beseech You to send Your Holy Spirit to revive our hearts! We ask You to remove our stony hearts of indifference to You and Your eternal truth and to give us passion and hunger for the things that are eternal.

Dear Jesus, let there be holy fire kindled within our bosom that will burn away our desire for the things of time and kindle in us an insatiable yearning within us for Your holy word, for Your eternal truth, for your cleansing salvation--for YOU!

Let us, precious LORD, hunger for the BREAD OF LIFE. Let us thirst for the LIVING WATER. Let us be filled to overflowing, so everyone may receive and be fed.

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