Thursday, January 21, 2016

An Open Letter to the Smiths

Dear Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith,

I wish I had your voice and could lend it to a cause as near to my heart as the Oscar nominations seem to be to yours. I wonder if you know how much you could help homeless veterans or fatherless children or abused women or tortured Christians if you would speak out in their behalf.

Oh, I'm sure it's lovely to be nominated for an Oscar, it's wonderful to be recognized for being able to project yourself into people's lives and hearts and to represent characters whose stories are significant. Who in your profession doesn't yearn after that kind of affirmation?

But isn't the real reward for what you do at the box office? Isn't the fame and wealth you've garnered because ordinary people have embraced your work far more important than an Oscar nomination which won't be remembered beyond the evening the awards are made?

How many fine teachers carry out their duties in classrooms across the country without ever being noticed by the school boards and administrators who employ them, let alone receive special recognition for the job they've done--no matter the color of their skin.

How many police officers put their lives on the line daily in communities where their service goes unsung? They are officers who can be pretty sure nobody will know their name unless they do something very wrong--no matter the color of their skin.

Those people, and countless millions like them, won't go home as you do to lavish mansions and formidable financial resources that will accrue you anything you desire to have on the planet.

But then, there is the soldier who fights for freedom--your freedom and mine--who sacrifices his life at the altar of defense of his country--he will receive a reward. It will be a folded flag which will be handed to his loved ones.

Your life looks pretty good to us, even if you never have the opportunity to place an Oscar with the other memorabilia of your extraordinary success.

Thank your LORD for the blessings with which He's lavished you, and use the voice He's allowed you to have for a cause greater than yourself.

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