Thursday, January 21, 2016

Behold His Mercy

The weather is cold and an impending snowstorm threatens that things will get even worse.

It's important to take care of yourself and your household by making sure cell phone batteries are charged and there is lots of firewood handy for the fireplace -- just in case the power goes out.

Cook enough food to get you through the time when you may be unable to use your electric stove. Have enough food on hand that doesn't require cooking so there will be something to eat even if cooking is impossible.

And be mindful of the creatures outside who won't be able to find food when the ground is snow covered...birdseed and crusts of bread should be made available to them, so fill your bird feeders while you can still walk to them.

Cats and dogs must not be outdoors in the kind of weather that's predicted. Allow them to share a cozy spot beside you near the fireplace. You will feel good about yourself if you are kind to your pet.
May God's covering attend this weather event and may HE be your shelter from not only this storm but through every storm of life.

JESUS is faithful. Have your eyes open to behold HIS mercy and goodness TO YOU AND YOURS as you go through this blizzard or as HE diverts it from you.

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