Thursday, January 26, 2017

The News

The News by Bill Wilson

The mainstream news media must be reformed otherwise our nation is in great peril. The media, using half-truths, "if-then" scenarios, and alarmist statements of fear mongering criticizes every move that President Trump makes.

If only, we as Christian Americans would stand in solidarity on behalf of restoring the truth and stop reading, listening to, or watching the mainstream media, perhaps the drop in ratings and revenue would result in change.

We also must call out the lies and interpretations of the news based on a Marxist worldview. Remember a little bit of truth makes a better lie. Many like the idea of turning off the media, but they, wishing to be informed, ask how they could do this and still be responsible citizens.
This comes down to two basic concepts:

1) no longer patronize the news media
2) discern the truth.

People ask how I do this.

First and foremost, I pray and ask guidance from the Holy Spirit. I stopped watching the news about 10 years ago. I get my news through other sources and by visiting a very small handful of websites, starting with The Drudge Report.

Drudge is a news aggregator. It has the stories from all the major and many minor news outlets. It writes its own news very little. On this site, one can compare what the various news outlets are writing about a certain topic.

When reading the stories, I also look for clues to go to the original source-If a speech is quoted, for example, I find the text. If a source is quoted, I go to that person's or organization's website and read all of what was said in its context.
There are assumptions that I make. If the story is written by a mainstream media outlet, I assume that it is lying and that there is an opposite point of view. Then I look to find what others have written or find the actual source of the story.

It's easier than you think. If something is reported that is outlandish, it's probably not true. I avoid sites like Snopes because they are funded by George Soros or other leftists and only perpetrate lies.

One has to be careful not to fall into "group think"-that is what you see when all the reporters are using the same words to describe something, as if they are using talking points.

Judge every story as to what the angle is and try to boil it down to one fundamental statement.
For example, President Trump is ending the immigration policy of the previous Administration, including federal funding to sanctuary cities that harbor illegal aliens.

The news media, however, reports that he is jack-booting immigration and stirs fear that families will be deported. These people, however, are here illegally. Laws are on the books to protect citizens.

Illegals chose to break the law.

This is part of boiling down the news to a fundamental statement. It is just an example. Discernment and truth are important and we need to know how to detect them before media reform can occur.

Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you."

It is your responsibility to judge properly and not be deceived. You can do a little journalistic work and be well informed each day in the same time you would normally watch the news.

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