Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Words to Ponder

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee." Psalm 122:6

Quotes of Presidents
"I am not a supporter of gay marriage...I think that marriage…has a religious connotation. ...I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian, it's also a sacred union. God's in the mix."  Barack Obama

“A warrior is a woman who stands strong in spite of the enemy’s attempts to deceive and defeat and destroy her  She declares victory over every lie of the enemy, over every foe to the realization of GOD’S purposes in and through her because she knows that the LORD is her Guide, her Guard, and her Strength.  She knows HE keeps that which she has committed to HIM.”  S.D.

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