Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. entered college at 15 years of age. He took up the torch for civil rights and was jailed 29 times for his effort but could not be dissuaded from his righteous cause.

Eventually was assassinated because of it, but without his steadfast effort in the behalf of "liberty and justice for all," the cause of equal rights would not have been advanced as it was during the 20th Century.

What most people don't know was that this champion was born Michael King Jr. with the same name as his father, a pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.

After King Sr. went to Germany and was so impacted by the example of Martin Luther, he returned home and changed his name to Martin.

He taught his 5-year-old son, Michael, about the brave exploits of the religious reformer and in time he asked him if he would like to emulate this mighty man of God and also change his name to Martin.

And the rest is history.

Turbulent times, like those in which we live, require Christians to be on the frontline -- to pray, proclaim truth and participate in the political process.

May we always remember Martin Luther and receive the baton he passing on to us from 500 years ago.

Martin Luther King's courageous actions challenged religion and government -- and they compel us to be mindful of them today and to be vigilant that the freedom, the equality he gained through his tireless effort and sacrifice are not lost to future generations who do not know how much has been achieved for them.

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