Thursday, November 2, 2017

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

We have all recited the lovely old prayer, "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep."  We have taught it to our children.  Perhaps we have said the words with our heart; perhaps we have said them flippantly.

However we may have uttered them, the words of the prayer are profound:

Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to keep.

If I should die before I wake,

I pray Thee Lord, my soul to take;

But if I live for other days,

I pray Thee Lord, to guide my ways.

Another factor worthy of consideration as we pray this prayer is the reality that the GOD to whom we pray never slumbers or sleeps.  Our JESUS is ever-vigilant over our lives.  HIS watch care hides us under the shadow of HIS wing and HIS HOLY SPIRIT indwells believers to speak to them the words of guidance that they need in every situation.

When you lie down tonight, be mindful of the ONE who loves you and watches over you and over those you have committed to HIM.  Remind yourself that HE will not be sleeping, so you may relax and comfortably take your rest.

Thoughts to ponder regarding the GOD who stays awake:

You can sleep in peace tonight knowing that God is bigger than anything you will face tomorrow! Be comforted by the promises that God is with you, He loves you and He is working for you good even while you are sleeping.

There is no crisis in your life, your health, your marriage, your finances or your family that God cannot resolve. I pray that these words below will remind you of the many promises He has given to us through His Word; read them as a promise from God, because these words are based completely on promises He has given to us through the Bible…

While my newly-formed earth slept in darkness, I created the light.

While Adam slept in the Garden, I created Eve.

While my Children Israel slept in slavery, I brought forth a deliverer to set them free.

While Israel slept in the wilderness, I brought food from heaven to sustain them.

While they slept in a foreign land, I prepared for them a Promised Land.

While the tiny town of Bethlehem slept on that Silent Night, I brought forth a new baby-My Son, Your Savior.

While you were sleeping in in the darkness, I brought forth a great light.

I AM the One who neither slumbers nor sleeps.

I AM the One who will one day make all things New and all things Right.

I AM the One who created you, saved you and loves you.

I AM the One who is with you. Never will I leave you or forsake you.

I AM the One who will return like a thief in the night while the world sleeps.

I AM the One who gives Rest and Peace to those who trust in Me, so sleep in Heavenly Peace tonight knowing that I am the Great I AM and I am in control of all that concerns you.

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