Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Star


  2. A Great Movie to Share with Your Children about the Birth of CHRIST

  3. While "The Star" is chock-full of humor and stunning animation, Franklin emphasized that remaining true to the Biblical account of Jesus' birth was filmmakers' primary goal.
    "All the things that you know about the nativity story are there; the room at the inn, the baby boy in the manger," Franklin said. "But, where we can have showing how the animals played a role behind the scenes in getting Mary and Joseph from point A to point B. So, it was good to have some rigor around the things we couldn't change, which then freed us up with the areas in between, which we could change."

  4. "We can tell the new story that you don't know because we can rely on the story that you do know," Reckart added.

  5. While "The Star" is a faith-based, inspirational film, it will appeal to a much wider audience, as the themes of hope, joy, and Christmas cheer are universal.

  6. "There're so many people that celebrate Christmas who aren't necessarily church-going Christians, and I think to the extent that Christmas means anything to them, then the film will also be meaningful to them," Reckart said.

  7. "The movie operates on two levels," Franklin said. "The movie works even if you don't know the story."

  8. Animation, he added, isn't just for children -- it's for all audiences.

  9. "What better way to get your children to understand a story that really is the bedrock of your faith than to go to a shared experience like this, where parents can watch it with their children, they can fill in the gaps, they can open up dialogue," he said. And, along the way, we believe they're going to be inspired, too."

  10. "The Star," hitting theaters on November 17, is a family-friendly film that tackles the story of the nativity in a reverent, yet humorous way, producer DeVon Franklin and Academy Award-nominated writer/director Timothy Reckart have revealed.

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