Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Terrorism on the Eve of UN Refugee Summit

Terrorism on the Eve of UN Refugee Summit by Bill Wilson

Yet Another Islamic terror attack in New York City with both deadly and symbolic significance. It came on the eve of a first ever United Nations Summit about refugees-the very ones that among them have been found terrorists spreading death and destruction to their host nations.

The UN says, "This is the first time the General Assembly has called for a summit at the Heads of State and Government level on large movements of refugees and migrants...It is a watershed moment to strengthen governance of international migration and a unique opportunity for creating a more responsible, predictable system for responding to large movements of refugees and migrants."

Has it turned into a showcase for terrorism?

In addition, the facilitator of the historic Islamic immigration movement in America, none other than the US president, will host a sister event following the UN Summit.

The UN website says, "Also on the margins of the General Assembly, on 20 September 2016, the United States President is hosting the Leaders' Summit on Refugees, alongside co-hosts Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, Jordan, Mexico and Sweden, which will appeal to governments to pledge significant new commitments on refugees.

"While the Leaders' Summit will focus on refugees, not migrants, the General Assembly High-Level Summit will address large movements of both. The two events will complement one another."
The Islamic State has provided an appropriate backdrop for highlighting the results of such reckless foreign policy of allowing unscreened Islamic "refugees" unfettered entry into a nation.

Terrorism in the US is a small indicator of the larger scale terrorism and Islamic colonization seen across Europe. Yet, the UN is not concerned about the problem of terrorism perpetrated by Islamic refugees and migrants. It is concerned about securing those refugee's and migrant's human rights in the countries they are entering.

The theme listed on the UN website is "Stand with refugees and Migrants. Protect their rights." The site says that forced migration has caused an international crisis and that rights must be protected.
Herein, the UN and its members, including the US leadership and its Islamic refugee policy (which Hillary Clinton ardently supports; Donald Trump ardently opposes) have created the very problem they now seek to solve.

What about the rights of the people in the countries where these "refugees and migrants" are plying their deadly trade? We know that a one world order will someday violently persecute all Christians and Jews.

When we see the actions of the UN, it reminds us of how misguided and ungodly things can become-all in the name of good intentions.

The Apostle Paul wrote of the perilous times of the last days. In II Timothy 3:13 says, "But evil men shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."

Securing the rights of those who trample the rights of the innocent in the name of human rights is an example.

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