Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Vote Wisely

When contemplating the possible ramifications of rebellion against England, the greatest military power in the world at the time, Benjamin Franklin made a very wise observation.

He said to his fellow patriots, "We must all hang together or we'll all hang separately."

Our nation and those who love our Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees find ourselves in a similar predicament today.

The 'progressive movement' has been moving along for many years and has reached a pinnacle of power under the current administration.

CHRISTIANITY, the faith of our founding fathers, the faith upon which our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution are based, the faith that was practiced virtually exclusively in this country and caused Alec de Tocqueville (a visitor from France) to remark that, "America is a nation with the soul of a church," is being denigrated while Islam, the religion of the 9 /11 hijackers and the religion of the perpetrators of all terrorist acts since then is being promoted.

Our military, people who have risked their lives to keep us safe, are short- changed when their pensions are considered by our representatives in Washington, D.C., while Iran, a terrorist-supporting, rogue nation is given billions of dollars for use toward development of a nuclear weapon.

Cast your vote carefully in November, for the outcome of this election will determine the make-up of the Supreme Court and the course of action that will be taken by this government into the future.

Where do YOU want your children and grandchildren to find themselves as the 21st Century unfolds?

Do you want them to live free or will you cast your vote for a candidate who has been complicit in the destruction of everything for which this nation has stood since its inception?

Though you will stand proudly to cast your ballot in the election booth, be sure you have made your decision about the candidate for whom you will vote while on your knees.

Our system of government was/is based upon Christian Principles recognizing the worth of the individual as established by our Creator. We have representatives in office now who are systematically eroding those principles. 

Pray for a change of heart of our leaders!!

Pray they will come to know JESUS as their personal SAVIOR and LORD!!

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