Friday, September 30, 2016

When the Establishment Is Threatened

When the Establishment Is Threatened by Bill Wilson 

Donald Trump must really have the establishment threatened.

There have been news reports that the only allies Hillary Clinton has are the establishment Democrats and the mainstream media. This is playing out today before your very eyes with the unprecedented Clinton endorsement of USA Today.

It was not a ringing endorsement of Clinton, however, as one would expect, but rather a stinging diatribe against Trump, calling him unfit for the office, a habitual liar, a reckless man with a checkered business history, who "traffics in prejudice."

In other words, USA Today took the Clinton talking points and turned it into an editorial maligning Trump as "beyond repair."

The "establishment" is threatened. In the next 30 days, Americans will see an unprecedented attack by those whose power is threatened by a Trump presidency. We already have seen it in the works.

Politico reports: "The United Nations News Centre - the official U.N. news service - tweeted, then quickly pulled, a post that called for "8 million Americans abroad" to "stop Trump."

The tweet, published at 9:14 p.m. ET on Thursday, urged American expats to share a voter registration tool on the website of the activist organization Avaaz that states, "U.S. Citizens abroad could defeat Trump ... if they voted." While the UN has tried to influence US politics in the past, it is vehemently pushing illegal voting, anything that would stop a Trump candidacy. As Christians, we can look at this in two major ways. Some may say, "See, I told you so. If so many people who are intimately involved in world affairs are against this man, so should we be. Where there is smoke there is fire."

Or many may say, "If so many of these world leaders who are afraid of losing their power, who have run economies into extraordinary debt, have fomented war rather than peace by promoting Islam, and have subjected individual rights-including the right to life, freedom of speech and of religion-to overreaching government are against Trump, maybe he is on to something good."

Personally, I fall into the latter category. These established world leaders have made a mess of things. Trump can do no worse. Hillary Clinton is all the things that USA Today accuses Trump of being. She is a liar, a crook, traffics in class warfare, supports nations who wish to kill all Americans who do not submit to them, peddles influence for money (especially from terrorist sponsors), and the list goes on and on.

Clinton is the "establishment's" woman.

We do not have great choices for the presidency, but I know what kind of choice Clinton is, what she stands for and her body of work. She is the antithesis of what is good and right about America.

As Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you."

Be careful not to be deceived by those who will make accusations based on the content of their own hearts so they can keep their power and continue their deeds at the expense of others (like you and me).

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