Thursday, November 16, 2017

Failure in the Past

  1. Failure in the Past

  2. Failure.

  3. Sooner or later, these negative experiences will be part of your life.

  4. The only people who have never failed or lost or been ashamed or in despair are those who have never done anything.

  5. Even if you have a long list of negative experiences behind you, that doesn't mean you don't have a glorious future before you.

  6. Consider Joseph in the BIBLE. Joseph was beloved of his father, so the jealousy of his brothers was kindled and rapidly fanned into a destructive blaze.

  7. His brothers plotted to kill him but decided instead to sell him into slavery. While a household slave in the home of Potiphar, his master's wife falsely accused him of raping her.

  8. Joseph was cast into prison where he remained until the LORD used his ability to discern dreams to bring him into the court of Pharaoh.

  9. Perhaps your negative experiences are not of the magnitude of Joseph's, but none-the-less, they are significant enough to have had a detrimental impact upon your life.

  10. It is important that you not define yourself by the negative things in your past but  remain steadfast in the LORD despite your challenges.

  11. Because HE is faithful and true, HE will bring you forth from the mire of failure and loss and shame and despair into the wonder of the future HE has planned for you.

  12. Trust HIM, for HE has promised that HE "will never fail you nor forsake you."

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