Sunday, March 20, 2016

Palm Sunday

Today is Palm Sunday. This is the day of Christ's triumphal ride into Jerusalem. Today, the palm branches were strewn before Him as He proceeded into the city. Today the people proclaimed loud "Hosannas" to the One they called their King.

Before the week would be over, Christ will have been crucified.

When Pontius Pilate brought JESUS before the people, many of whom, presumably had been in the adoring throng, they were no longer shouting, "Hosanna," they were crying, "Give us Barabbas!"

Today many of us will make our yearly pilgrimage to our houses of worship. We will join in the singing of hymns to His praise. We will hear inspirational messages of His sacrifice in our behalf. We will take communion.

What will we do when we walk away from church?

Had we been there on the Good Friday that followed the palm fronds placed before His path, would we have cried for Barabbas?

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