Sunday, July 31, 2016


Are you facing a formidable foe, a problem or a circumstance or a condition that defies remedy?

Does it loom so large over you that it casts a dark shadow upon all you think and all you do? Does it intensify in your mind as you ponder upon it?

Think about the word of GOD in the matter--"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report--think on these things." Philippians 4:8

Don't dwell on the problem before you but upon the ONE TRUE, LOVELY, GOOD entity in the universe--think upon the LORD JESUS CHRIST!

Just as David knew GOD and relied upon HIM to bring down his overwhelming opponent, so can you rely upon the HOLY ONE to cast down every circumstance that stands between you and HIS perfect will for you.

As David was bold, so must you be bold.

As David was victorious, so will you be victorious.

David didn't need to know Goliath's strength because he already knew God's.

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