This morning I had a vision where I saw a HUGE angel, he stood so tall and so wide and I saw him leave the throne room of heaven on the Lord's command and head towards the earth. I saw this angel come towards the nation of the United States of America. As I watched I saw it land with one of its feet on the West Coast and the other foot on the East Coast.
When it landed, between the span of his legs and his wings the entire nation of the United States was covered. Instantly I felt the atmosphere get thick and heavy in the most glorious way, the presence of God was so tangible.
Instantly the atmosphere around me was full of a 'commissioning' from the Lord for this angel to act upon that which the Lord had sent him to do. I then heard these words that boomed with such authority it would have crumbled mountains. “ANGEL OF AWAKENING, ACT AND AWAKEN”
(Act: anything done, being done, or to be done; deed; performance: a heroic act, a formal decision –
(Awaken: to waken –
Suddenly the angel began to flap his wings and I can see that it is flapping it's wings in unison with the heartbeat of God, and as he did, I heard the Lord speak “WINDS OF AWAKENING. WINDS OF AWAKENING. WINDS OF AWAKENING” Everywhere I looked there were WHIRLWINDS being created all across the nation. These winds of awakening were bringing a great shaking all across the nation. These winds were shaking things up, and bringing a shifting and sifting.
As I looked closely at these whirlwinds I saw them coming from the four corners of the nation and they were all heading in one direction. It was as if these whirlwinds were alive and knew exactly where they were headed and what they were to do. They were on assignment.
These whirlwinds of awakening were headed towards the churches, towards the people of God. One thing that stood out to me was these whirlwinds coming from different directions and they were flowing in unison and in one accord.
I am then filled with the sense of the awakening that the Lord is ushering in as this angel of awakening landed in the United States, was a greater move of His Spirit to bring UNITY within His Bride and in the nation.
As these whirlwinds of the Spirit of God began to move through churches and the nation, I heard the Lord speak again “IT'S TIME FOR THE DIVIDING WALLS TO COME DOWN. IT'S TIME FOR THE DIVIDING WALLS TO COME DOWN.”
I saw these whirlwinds moving from heart to heart of God's people, church to church, movement to movement, home church to home church, prayer group to prayer group and these whirlwinds would land at the 'doors' of these hearts and places. It did not enter in, it just stood there swirling, when suddenly in the midst of the whirlwind, I see Jesus, beautiful Jesus. He is standing in the midst of the whirlwind and His arms outstretched and eyes are FULL of invitation.
I then realize that there is an
invitation being released from the heart of Jesus to “WELCOME AND ALIGN” with
the winds of His awakening whatever shaking and shifting they may bring. The
beautiful thing about these whirlwinds of awakening, was they were coming from
His heart, they ARE OF HIM and FULL of such love, and coming to bring His
people and the nation further into encounters with His love. I watched all
across the nation as God's people embraced these whirlwinds of awakening because
they SAW HIM in them and knew they were being sent from His heart. As the
people of God said “YES” to these whirlwinds I saw a tidal wave begin to build.
It was building and building and building and it was gaining pressure on the
EAST COAST of the United States. As I am watching it gain more and more
pressure, the atmosphere around me is then filled with this sense that it was
'waiting' for something.
As the people of God were embracing the awakening winds of His Spirit, they were being awakened to new levels of intimacy with Jesus. Suddenly, I am taken back into a dream I had where I saw the Bride of Christ standing on the edge of a cliff with her back to the cliff and with arms outstretched she fell backwards off the cliff into the loving hands of a gloriously good Father. In the dream I am surrounded with this beautiful deep invitation from the heart of God to His people to lay down agendas, lay down offenses, lay down control, lay down questions, lay down fear and just fall into the arms of a good Father, even when you cannot “SEE” what's before you.
There is a new level of invitation
in the heart of God to free fall in TRUST into deeper levels of glorious
intimacy with Him. As they fell back into the loving arms of a good Father, a
new level of rest, they were going deeper in surrender to Jesus, I saw them
BRIDE! The Bride was on fire! Burning, burning, burning, burning with the fire
of God's love. Burning like she had never burned before. Her eyes were FULL of
fire and her eyes spoke the words “I HAVE SEEN HIM, I HAVE SEEN HIM, I HAVE
Everywhere she went the sparks of impartation of His love was being spread everywhere. Onto streets, into coffee shops, into malls, into schools, into governments, into cities, RELEASING impartation and manifestation of encounters with the heart of God and the fire of His love that was bringing cleansing, purging, purifying, restoration, recompense, healing and freedom EVERYWHERE (people and cities) the fire was released.
As the people of God were having deep encounters with the heart of God and the fire of His love as they had never had before, I saw them reaching out to each other all across the body of Christ. Hands of repentance being extended, hands of forgiveness being extended, hands of LOVE being extended, AWAKENED HANDS that God's heart is for His children to WORK TOGETHER, extended. Walls that divided, walls that divided God's people for so long, were broken through and melted away. Religion, offense and political offenses were being broken in significant ways.
Everywhere she went the sparks of impartation of His love was being spread everywhere. Onto streets, into coffee shops, into malls, into schools, into governments, into cities, RELEASING impartation and manifestation of encounters with the heart of God and the fire of His love that was bringing cleansing, purging, purifying, restoration, recompense, healing and freedom EVERYWHERE (people and cities) the fire was released.
As the people of God were having deep encounters with the heart of God and the fire of His love as they had never had before, I saw them reaching out to each other all across the body of Christ. Hands of repentance being extended, hands of forgiveness being extended, hands of LOVE being extended, AWAKENED HANDS that God's heart is for His children to WORK TOGETHER, extended. Walls that divided, walls that divided God's people for so long, were broken through and melted away. Religion, offense and political offenses were being broken in significant ways.
saw a HUGE spirit of offense that has had its hands locked over the nation of
America for so long, beginning to lose its grip. It was screaming in agony and
pain as it was LOSING ITS HOLD TO LOVE.
Where the VERY FINGERPRINTS and HOLD this huge spirit of offense had, I saw angelic hosts being released to stand in that VERY PLACE and they were singing “Peace to the borders, He brings PEACE to the borders.” (Psalm 147:14) They stood on the borders of the nation and sang, “AWAKEN AMERICA, BEAUTIFUL ONE, AWAKEN AMERICA BEAUTIFUL ONE.”
The words then surrounded me from His heart, “The winds of awakening releasing deeper radical encounters with the fire of My love being released in My Bride in the United States of America is birthing and ushering in the greatest revival of UNITY that has EVER been seen before, but My winds of awakening MUST be embraced. My winds of awakening MUST be embraced. The greatest revival of UNITY and LOVE is upon you. Unity! Unity! Unity!”
I then noticed EVERY time the Lord spoke the word “UNITY”, I saw the HEART of the nation of the United States of America light up and the words written across its heart “ONE NATION UNDER GOD.” I then realized that the Lord was highlighting the UNITY of BELIEVERS in the United States of America was AFFECTING the heart. So the DISUNITY of believers in the United States of America was AFFECTING the heart. The UNITY of BELIEVERS in this nation was KEY to bringing LIFE and AWAKENING DESTINY back into the HEART of the United States.
The interesting thing was, as I watched this “reaching out and letting go of offenses on many levels, personal, political, theological were happening, I saw chains that were attached to many in the body of Christ SPECIFICALLY keeping them from their destiny, were SUDDENLY BREAKING and a catapulting was taking place and releasing them into their God-given destiny that was orchestrated from the beginning of time.
As this “reaching out of unity” was happening across the body of Christ in America, I was taken back to the tidal wave on the East Coast, and suddenly it was gaining more and more pressure and acceleration, when suddenly it BURST FORTH. This tidal wave spread RIGHT ACROSS the nation. From the east coast to the west coast and covered the ENTIRE NATION.
I heard the Lord speak again “Be WASHED and AWAKENED in My love. Be WASHED and AWAKENED in My love.” The Lord was bringing a deep cleansing, a deep purifying, a deep alignment, a deep awakening ACROSS the entire nation of the United States AS His people moved forward IN UNITY. UNITY was A KEY to seeing a GREAT move of God across the nation.
As I watched the tidal wave of His love being released across the nation I saw Hosea 3:5 flowing in the waters:
“Afterward the sons of Israel will return and seek the Lord their God and David their King, and they will come trembling to the Lord and to His goodness in the last days.”
The sense surrounded me that the greatest move of God, the greatest awakening was right before this nation, despite the darkness already surrounding or to come in the nation of the United States. The Lord was about to make His goodness known LOUDER and BRIGHTER than EVER, and that this was a strategic moment that the people of God needed to decide once and for all whether they were going to take their place, or continue to “to and fro”.
I am then taken back to the heart of the nation and I hear it crying again as I did in a previous encounter I had, and I realize it is crying out for the sons and daughters to rise up in unity and in love across the nation, because as that happened, it was bringing life back to the heart, and bringing a healing to the land.
Where there was an embracing of the winds of awakening and outstretch of 'hands for unity' I heard the words “outstretch your hands and heal the land.”
I then have this sense that the Lord was wanting to heal the land in two ways:
1. Intercession, repentance, blessing of the land (If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. - 2 Chronicles 7:14)
Where the VERY FINGERPRINTS and HOLD this huge spirit of offense had, I saw angelic hosts being released to stand in that VERY PLACE and they were singing “Peace to the borders, He brings PEACE to the borders.” (Psalm 147:14) They stood on the borders of the nation and sang, “AWAKEN AMERICA, BEAUTIFUL ONE, AWAKEN AMERICA BEAUTIFUL ONE.”
The words then surrounded me from His heart, “The winds of awakening releasing deeper radical encounters with the fire of My love being released in My Bride in the United States of America is birthing and ushering in the greatest revival of UNITY that has EVER been seen before, but My winds of awakening MUST be embraced. My winds of awakening MUST be embraced. The greatest revival of UNITY and LOVE is upon you. Unity! Unity! Unity!”
I then noticed EVERY time the Lord spoke the word “UNITY”, I saw the HEART of the nation of the United States of America light up and the words written across its heart “ONE NATION UNDER GOD.” I then realized that the Lord was highlighting the UNITY of BELIEVERS in the United States of America was AFFECTING the heart. So the DISUNITY of believers in the United States of America was AFFECTING the heart. The UNITY of BELIEVERS in this nation was KEY to bringing LIFE and AWAKENING DESTINY back into the HEART of the United States.
The interesting thing was, as I watched this “reaching out and letting go of offenses on many levels, personal, political, theological were happening, I saw chains that were attached to many in the body of Christ SPECIFICALLY keeping them from their destiny, were SUDDENLY BREAKING and a catapulting was taking place and releasing them into their God-given destiny that was orchestrated from the beginning of time.
As this “reaching out of unity” was happening across the body of Christ in America, I was taken back to the tidal wave on the East Coast, and suddenly it was gaining more and more pressure and acceleration, when suddenly it BURST FORTH. This tidal wave spread RIGHT ACROSS the nation. From the east coast to the west coast and covered the ENTIRE NATION.
I heard the Lord speak again “Be WASHED and AWAKENED in My love. Be WASHED and AWAKENED in My love.” The Lord was bringing a deep cleansing, a deep purifying, a deep alignment, a deep awakening ACROSS the entire nation of the United States AS His people moved forward IN UNITY. UNITY was A KEY to seeing a GREAT move of God across the nation.
As I watched the tidal wave of His love being released across the nation I saw Hosea 3:5 flowing in the waters:
“Afterward the sons of Israel will return and seek the Lord their God and David their King, and they will come trembling to the Lord and to His goodness in the last days.”
The sense surrounded me that the greatest move of God, the greatest awakening was right before this nation, despite the darkness already surrounding or to come in the nation of the United States. The Lord was about to make His goodness known LOUDER and BRIGHTER than EVER, and that this was a strategic moment that the people of God needed to decide once and for all whether they were going to take their place, or continue to “to and fro”.
I am then taken back to the heart of the nation and I hear it crying again as I did in a previous encounter I had, and I realize it is crying out for the sons and daughters to rise up in unity and in love across the nation, because as that happened, it was bringing life back to the heart, and bringing a healing to the land.
Where there was an embracing of the winds of awakening and outstretch of 'hands for unity' I heard the words “outstretch your hands and heal the land.”
I then have this sense that the Lord was wanting to heal the land in two ways:
1. Intercession, repentance, blessing of the land (If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. - 2 Chronicles 7:14)
2. The “stretching out of hands” to other brothers in sisters in Christ, no more offense and to PIONEER and WORK together in LOVE.
The key to #2 was EMBRACING the winds of awakening being released right now. The people of God would move deeper into John 15:1:11:
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. “
And FROM that place of awakening in intimacy with Him happening right across the nation, John 15: 12 was going to manifest in greater ways
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. These things I command you, so that you will love one another.”
Ancient gates, wells and doorways that have been LOCKED because of a spirit of offense that has come into the body of Christ in the nation of the United States for generations were beginning to be swung open, re-dug and broken open by the awakening of love that was happening amongst them and repentance taking place on an individual and corporate level across the nation.
As these ancient gates, wells and
doorways were being unlocked, a healing move of God was released through the
Church and into the nation in ways that had never been seen before.
A Kathryn Kuhlman type anointing was being released across the body of Christ and into the nation. A HUGE revival amongst God's people and into the nation BIRTHED FROM INTIMACY with Him, signs and wonders exploding all around bringing transformation to the nation.
I then heard words booming from His heart:
America, you are a nation that is about to be marked by the love of God in ways you have never imagined AS the people of God embrace all that He is doing. United States of America, your destiny is to KNOW His LOVE and be a GREAT representation of His love to other nations. You will represent HIS LOVE to other nations AS the body of Christ RISES UP in ALIGNMENT with all He is SAYING and DOING amongst you.
A great awakening is upon the nation of the United States of America, and it is going to come THROUGH the people of God, as they say “YES” to Him.
As these winds of awakening are being embraced by the people of God in this beautiful nation, I saw lightning bolt strikes being sent into the heart of the nation. The heart of the nation being SHOCKED BACK TO LIFE by the LOVE and GOODNESS OF GOD! God LOVES the United States! God is not DONE with the United States of America!
Church of America, a great awakening is upon you! The greatest awakening! The awakening of the FIRE OF HIS LOVE and GOODNESS all across the nation. It's time to take your place! Do whatever business you have to do with God and with others, get in your rightful place, for you have a part to play, you are a KEY in what God wants to do in this nation.
A Kathryn Kuhlman type anointing was being released across the body of Christ and into the nation. A HUGE revival amongst God's people and into the nation BIRTHED FROM INTIMACY with Him, signs and wonders exploding all around bringing transformation to the nation.
I then heard words booming from His heart:
America, you are a nation that is about to be marked by the love of God in ways you have never imagined AS the people of God embrace all that He is doing. United States of America, your destiny is to KNOW His LOVE and be a GREAT representation of His love to other nations. You will represent HIS LOVE to other nations AS the body of Christ RISES UP in ALIGNMENT with all He is SAYING and DOING amongst you.
A great awakening is upon the nation of the United States of America, and it is going to come THROUGH the people of God, as they say “YES” to Him.
As these winds of awakening are being embraced by the people of God in this beautiful nation, I saw lightning bolt strikes being sent into the heart of the nation. The heart of the nation being SHOCKED BACK TO LIFE by the LOVE and GOODNESS OF GOD! God LOVES the United States! God is not DONE with the United States of America!
Church of America, a great awakening is upon you! The greatest awakening! The awakening of the FIRE OF HIS LOVE and GOODNESS all across the nation. It's time to take your place! Do whatever business you have to do with God and with others, get in your rightful place, for you have a part to play, you are a KEY in what God wants to do in this nation.
Not only are these whirlwinds of
awakening, going to awaken you to intimacy with Him you have never known
before, the fire of His love, but activate and awaken your destiny in whole new
ways. It's time for the United States to be set on fire by the fire of His love
and goodness. Don't be discouraged by
the darkness, fire burns BRIGHT in darkness.
This IS your time!!!!! IT IS TIME!!!!
This IS your time!!!!! IT IS TIME!!!!
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