Saturday, March 5, 2016

God Guides Your Steps

How does God guide your steps?

He isn't in the practice of joining you at your dinner table when you say grace or sitting next to you when you kneel for your nightly prayers. He certainly doesn't interrupt your conversations with your friends and He doesn't impose upon you while you're at work. In other words, He won't directly interfere with the course you set for yourself.


How does He guide your steps?

Does He put up the occasional roadblock to deter your progress in the wrong direction? Sometimes He does.

Does He send someone into your life to speak to you about reorienting your progress toward a worthy goal in order to make better time? Sometimes He does.

Does He allow a storm to roll into your life that requires you to stop along the roadside rather than go full speed along the highway to your destination? Sometimes He does.

Does He use subtle means to help you along life's way? Sometimes He does.

One of the best ways God uses to attempt to guide the lives of those who profess faith in Him is the BIBLE. Of it, the Psalmist says, "Your Word, O Lord, is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105

Are you paying attention?

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