Monday, March 7, 2016

Lord Jesus...

Lord Jesus, we put disease under Your blood, for Your word declares that "by YOUR stripes, we are healed." Isaiah 53:5

We ask You to magnify Your name among us by fulfilling Your promises in the lives of those who suffer disease, disorder, despair, and disillusionment from any source. We bind the works of the enemy in all their manifestations.

We ask You to raise up people who pray with power in their prayers, to revitalize the hope and belief that was once anchored in faith in You and in the power of prayers in Your name.

Whether by the skill of doctors and surgeons, whether by the power built into the human body to heal itself, or whether by Your Holy Word that cannot fail and cannot lie, we claim the deliverance that You have promised from every affliction of man.

In Your own mighty name we pray, JESUS. Amen.

The Niagara Falls turned Orange for Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week. Please share so as many people as possible know it is MS Awareness Month

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