What Can I Do?
Many are wondering what to do, who to support, in the election before us.
The one thing Lord wants you to do is to follow HIS way, HIS commandments, HIS precepts, rather than those of men.
You can't see a clear distinction as to whom the Lord would have you cast your vote? When has it ever been otherwise? There has rarely been a candidate whose rhetoric and whose life lined up precisely with the way a Christian should speak and live.
Our nation is falling quickly into darkness under the policies of the current administration--it is because the people of the nation are no longer in the light. So what do you do?
From my observations and what I believe the Lord is impressing upon me, we as true believers in the one true Messiah, must do what is asked of us by the Lord.
Collectively, the body of believers, the body of Christ, must begin to reflect His Light again--so our nation, our communities, our families will have the chance to become brilliant reflections of that Light.
The collective body known as the church must move toward the truth of the scriptures so it will regain its savor as salt of the earth; and it will regain its light as it again proclaims Christ's word, that it again shines His light.
The church must no longer be trampled under the feet of man and succumb to the deception of the enemy. The acceptance of the world must be abandoned and the acceptance of the Holy One must become the goal of His Bride.
I do not want to hear the words found in Matthew 7:23, "I never knew you: depart from Me." Neither do you, so you better make sure the doctrine you are following and espousing is certain. That comes from profound study.
Things are being said and taught that are heresy, but they are accepted by many. Televangelists are notorious for preaching a 'gospel' that keeps the donations flowing into their financial empires. Discover their lies through your own perusal of the scriptures.
We are told to overcome evil with good. We are told to occupy till the Lord returns. We need to know who we are in Christ and we must not be satisfied until the result of faith and fervent prayer achieve the transformation we seek.
I wonder what would happen if the millions of us who call ourselves Christians would take to the streets and make it known that we are not going to accept evil ruling over us.
I wonder how great it would be if we encouraged people to righteousness.
I wonder how it would be if the older and wiser among us would encourage others to repent--to admonish younger believers to a deeper relationship with Christ; to encourage them to action that would advance the Kingdom of the Lord.
Who knows; we might even be accused of turning the world upside-down.
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