Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Your Duty

Your Duty to Engage with Good to Overcome Evil by Bill Wilson

In recent days, many emails have expressed discouragement with the political process and the quality of candidates that are winning. Some point to scriptures saying that God establishes the leaders, or the election is in God's hands, or God removes kings and sets up kings.

Others question how God will judge them for their vote. Using scriptures to justify not voting, voting for a third party, or writing in a candidate that has no chance of winning, in this particular election, is a vote for the dark side. Not voting or throwing away a vote still counts.

To those worried about judgment will in that day God say, "You had the choice I put before you and you chose not to choose"?

Kind of like the parable of hiding the talents? 

Aside from advancing the Islamic Marxist policies and agenda that have been established over the past eight years, there is the possibility of at least two Supreme Court appointments. If these fall into leftist--not just liberal--but leftist hands, as we have seen with the most recent appointments, the law and the Constitution will be twisted beyond recognition.

There is more at stake in this election than just another four years of Islamic Marxism, which is bad enough. Hillary Clinton's top aide is a Muslim Brotherhood operative, from a family of Muslim Brotherhood operatives. The Saudis essentially bought and paid for her husband's Presidential library. The list goes on and on. 

1 Samuel 8 describes how the elders of Israel got a king. They came to Samuel and said, "make us a king to judge us like all the nations."

Samuel went to God about it. God told Samuel to tell them what a king would do--tax them, take their daughters and sons for his own work, take a tenth of their sheep, and make them all servants.

The people still demanded a king. Verse 22 says, "Hearken unto their voice, and make them a king."

The ensuing chapters describe how Saul was chosen by God out of all the tribes, how he was introduced to the people, and the problems that came with it. God allowed the people to have their way.

He has let Americans have their way as well. 

Herein is my point. We do not have kings in America--no matter how flawed the system is--we have a choice for our leaders. Yes, God is sovereign, however, it is not an either/or situation. If you believe in free will, you also understand that God orders the steps of the faithful. God chooses to act through man. Otherwise nothing would be required of his creation.

You have to make the choice to receive God's gift of salvation and then you are commanded to the Great Commission, to overcome evil with good, to love one another, etc.

With all that is held in the balance for us as a people and as a nation, and knowing the difference of good and evil, we all have a duty to engage in this election.

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