Monday, December 21, 2015

How Do You See Christmas?

"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7

Although there are some circumstances in life that are totally beyond our ability to control, there are certainly others that can be profoundly impacted by the way we perceive them. Sometimes a bit of fine tuning of our thinking can transform not only our perception but our situation.

If we take a positive point of view and anticipate that things are working to our advantage, indeed, we will be advantaged. Conversely, if we anticipate failure, we will not be disappointed.

If we look to Christmas as a time of hope, we will be hopeful. If, however we dread it as a time when we will be consumed with unproductive activity, our prophesy will fulfill itself.

If we relegate the story of a Savior-come-to-earth as a long ago fable, it will be nothing more than a shopping spree followed by a fine feast. If, however, we accept it as God's great gift to mankind, it will be to us joy unspeakable--and the glory of it will uplift our lives and transform our eternity to wonder and blessing.

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