Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Terrorism Today

Much of the onslaught of islamic terrorism is perpetuated against the Jews, for God's ancient people are detested by muslims, as are Christians. The following is a report from CHPP which was issued today:

Israel Under Attack by Terrorists

As of the time of this writing, two terror attacks have taken place in Jerusalem today that took the lives of three Israelis.

#1: Two Arab men boarded a city bus (#78) in the neighborhood of Armon Hanatziv at 10 AM. They somehow locked the doors and began shooting and stabbing. Two Jewish men are dead, and three Israelis are seriously wounded. A witness on the scene said that one of the terrorists had taken over the driver's seat at the bus, and appeared to want to kidnap all the passengers. The witness blocked the intersection with his car to prevent the bus from proceeding, as the police arrived. One terrorist was killed and the other was apprehended.

#2: On Malkei Israel Street (in the ultra-orthodox neighborhood of Geula), an Israeli Arab employee of the Bezeq communication/phone company, drove his company car into a crowd of Jews waiting at a bus stop. He then jumped out of the car with a meat cleaver or axe in hand, and began hacking at the Jews. A 60-year-old rabbi, Rabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky, was killed, and two other people were seriously injured. The terrorist was critically injured by security forces.

Attacks are taking place today, throughout the country:

- In the city of Ra'anana, just before 9 AM, a 32-year-old was stabbed in the neck and stomach by an Arab while standing outside a shopping center. The Jewish man fought back, and others assisted in subduing him, until security forces arrived. The victim will recover from his wounds.

- At around 10:40 AM, just down the street from the first attack in Ra'anana, a Palestinian from East Jerusalem began stabbing people in a coffee shop. One Jew was seriously wounded and three others lightly wounded. As the terrorist fled the scene, Israeli citizens pursued him, and contained him, until the security forces arrived.

In spite of all that is transpiring, remember:

"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow--not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love.” Romans 8:38

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